Author: numan
This will depend on various factors in the case, i.e. if liability is admitted, disputed, what you are claiming. Each case is unique and an estimate cannot be given of settlement without the facts of the case. We will try our upmost to settle the claim as quickly as possible and on the best terms.
Generally, straightforward claims can settle in under 6 months.
It is very straightforward. We obtain the accident details from you over the phone and submit the claim to the insurers on an online Claim Portal. You will be required to agree to our terms of instructions which can be sent in the post or by email. The insurers will have 15 working days to respond and provide a position on the case. If liability is admitted then the claim process will be straightforward and should settle relatively quickly depending on what you are claiming for.
If 18 years and above you have 3 years to make a personal injury claim.Minors under 18 years of age have until their 21st Birthday to make a claim.For non injury related claims, you have 6 years to make a claim, i.e. vehicle damage, hire, loss of earnings etc.
We recommend you present the claim early as this will mean a quicker settlement for you. The longer you leave in making the claim does not mean you cannot claim but the evidence is best presented when its fresh.
In order to assess whether you can make a claim, the accident circumstances will need to be considered and you must have suffered a loss as a direct result of the accident.
Please feel free to make a no obligation free consultation with our claims team who will be able to advise you best without any pressure.
To start the claim we will require your details and details of the accident, i.e. circumstances, defendant vehicle details and injury details.
If you have suffered losses as a result of the accident then you are entitled to make a claim to recover the losses from the Defendant / Defendant insurer.
You are entitled to make a claim for injuries suffered as a result of the accident. Some injuries may be very severe but the most common injury resulting from an accident is whiplash.
Whiplash injury is caused with sudden movements of the head and neck and the most common injuries suffered can result in pain to the neck, shoulders, headaches and back pain.
The injury may last a couple of weeks, several months or even several years, we will best advise you on how to proceed with your claim.
Other injuries resulting from a road traffic accident:
- Broken arms / legs
- Injured knees
- Psychological injuries (sleeping issues, stress, nervousness, depression etc)
- Injured wrists
- Nose / Dental / Facial injuries
- etc
Even if the injury was minor, you will still be entitled to make a claim, as we have recovered compensation of over £1000 for an injury which lasted only a few weeks, therefore please contact us for your free consultation.
Generally the vehicle driver is the owner and will make the claim for the damage, but if you were a passenger in your own vehicle and wish to make a claim for the damage resulting from a non fault accident to your own vehicle then you are entitled to do so.
The Defendant will be liable to put the vehicle back in its position had the accident not have happened. If the vehicle is repairable then the Defendant will be liable for the repair cost and if the vehicle is a total loss then the Defendant will be liable for the pre accident value of your vehicle.
If the vehicle you were a passenger in was owned by you and is not roadworthy due to the accident, then you may be able to make a claim for a replacement hire vehicle, storage and recovery charges. Please contact us and we will be able to advise you further.
If you do not have access to your damaged vehicle as a result of the accident and choose not to hire a replacement vehicle then you can claim loss of use, which on average recovered amount is £15-£20 per day.
If you have reasonable general expenses (i.e. medicine, clothing, etc) and travel expenses as a result of the accident then please keep all receipts and we will claim the expenses back on your behalf.
If you have had to take time off as a result of the accident, then you will be able to make a claim for loss of earnings.
The claim for losses is unlimited to all reasonable losses resulting from the accident.
The losses may be past losses but if the accident has affected future losses, i.e. earnings, job prospects, holidays etc, then the claim may be significant and you will need an experienced solicitor helping you with the claims process.
As a result of the accident you may wish to have private treatment, such as private consultations, surgeries, physiotherapy, CBT (for non physical injuries such as stress, depression etc) and you will be able to claim for the same from the Defendant and we can help you with this.
If you have been cared for by family, friends or a private company as a result of the accident, then you are entitled to make a claim on their behalf for the cost of the care. If a family member or friend provided care, then you can claim an hourly rate on their behalf depending on the care provided.
We and a medical expert will assess your needs and be able to recommend the possible treatments to consider.
Generally with personal injury claims, you will have 3 years to make a claim from the point of negligence, but with medical negligence claims you have 3 years from the date of knowledge or from the point where you were expected to know about the negligence. We urge you to contact us as soon as possible if you are not sure if you can claim or not.
Children under the age of 18 can make a claim up to their 21st birthday, which is an exception to the 3 year time limit.
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How long do I have to claim?
It has been established that a person, when linking their condition to the noise levels at their work place, from that point onwards has 3 years to make their claim so we strongly advise not to delay matters any further and seek advice straight away by phoning 0845 555 0606.
We will act for you on a NO WIN NO FEE basis, meaning you will not have to pay any legal fees should your case be unsuccessful (subject to terms and conditions).
What do I need to do now?
If you suspect that you are suffering from industrial deafness or noise induced deafness, contact us right away. We will assess your claim and talk you through your individual circumstances to ensure that you are given thorough and accurate advice.
We will need to know your full employment history in the relevant place of work so it is useful to make sure you have that information at hand, ready to pass on to your claims advisor.
If we take your case on, we will then make an appointment for you to see an audiologist and an ear, nose and throat specialist who will carry out the test to see how much your hearing has been effected. This will then aid us in obtaining a figure of compensation for you.
How loud is too loud?
How loud a sound is can be measured in units called decibles (dB). The measurement for a normal conversation is around 60 decibles for example. So anything in the region of 85 plus, is deemed too loud and noisy. This could perhaps mean the noise of traffic, or simply struggling to hear what your colleagues are saying.