Author: numan
T Baguley
Fantastic conveyancing service from Nicola and Natalie, they kept on top of everything from start to finish and were always available whenever we had questions. I’d be happy to recommend them to anyone.
David JC
Very impressed with every aspect of Versus Law, from service they provide to the attitude of the staff. Always called back when they said they would and had a laugh with them too. Will definately use again (if I need to).
Mrs Morris
I would recommend Versus Law to anyone, particularly Nick Wintrip, who looked after us extremely well. They are very efficient and communicated with us fully at all times. We were able to contact them by phone and e mail and did not need to rely on letter going back and forth. Nick is really friendly too and put us at ease throughout the end to end sales process. Thank you.
Nicola and Natalie did a wonderful job. They were friendly and patient. Answered my many many questions and got the job done very efficiently. I am highly impressed and would definitely recommend them.
What happens if i die without a will?
Have you considered what will happen to your property and personal belongings when you die?
A Will lets you decide what happens to your money, property and belongings after your death.
If you do not make a Will then your estate will pass in accordance with statutory rules called the rules of intestacy. Who will inherit will depend on who you are survived by and the size of your estate.
Those persons who could inherit under the rules of intestacy include:
- Spouses or civil partners;
- Children and grandchildren;
- Parents;
- Brothers and sisters; and
- Nieces and nephews.
Unmarried partners and those not in a civil partnership will not inherit under the rules of intestacy.
If a person dies leaving no surviving relatives then their estate will pass to the Crown!
By writing a Will, not only can you specify who should inherit your estate but you also have the opportunity to appoint an Executor, minimise inheritance tax, direct who should look after your children/dependents and include wishes for your funeral.
You do not have to instruct a solicitor to prepare a Will for you, however certain formalities must be adhered to in order to ensure that the Will is valid. Once a person has died, it can be too late to try and rectify a mistake made when the Will was drafted or executed.
Here at Versus Law, we can also advise you in connection with more complex aspects of your estate including if:
- You have children from a previous marriage or relationship;
- You own property jointly with someone who is not your spouse or civil partner;
- You want to provide for a family member of friend who cannot care for themselves;
- You have a business; and/or
- Inheritance tax will be payable on your death.
A Will should be kept under constant review and it is recommended that you review your Will every 5 years or following a life-changing event such as:
- Divorce/separation
- Marriage (this revokes any previous Will made before the date of the marriage);
- Having children etc.
Read more about our will services.
What is Noise Induced Hearing Loss and Tinnitus?
Noise Induced Hearing Loss is the destruction of hair cells within the ears which transmit electrical signals to the brain, enabling us to hear and understand sound.
Noise Induced Hearing Loss may be caused by continuous loud noise exposure over an extended period, or a “one-off” exposure such as an explosion.
The symptoms of Noise Induced Hearing Loss can include the following:-
- Difficulty hearing in the presence of background noise or in a group conversation;
- Difficulty hearing someone talking to you from a different room;
- Having to ask people to repeat themselves and mishearing what people are saying;
- Difficulty hearing on the telephone;
- Difficulty hearing the doorbell;
- Difficulty hearing the tv/radio and requiring the volume to be turned up loud.
Noise Induced Hearing Loss may also be accompanied by Tinnitus; or alternatively Tinnitus may exist on its own.
Tinnitus is frequently described as the experiencing of a noise in the ears which is commonly referred to as a whooshing, ringing, humming or buzzing sound. Tinnitus is often more intrusive in quiet environments and can disturb sleep or prevent sufferers from getting to sleep. Tinnitus can be experienced either constantly or intermittently.
Claiming for Noise Induced Hearing Loss and Tinnitus:
In order to be successful in a claim for Noise Induced Hearing Loss, you must satisfy the following 3 criteria:
- Limitation
- Breach of Duty
- Causation
There is a 3 year time limit in which Court Proceedings must be commenced. This 3 year time limit does not however run from the date on which you were last exposed to excessive noise; The 3 year time limit runs from your Date of Knowledge i.e. the first date you considered that you were suffering from a “significant” hearing problem and first attributed this, or ought reasonably to have attributed this to noise at work.
The law is currently such that it deems that a sufferer of a “significant” hearing problem should be “sufficiently curious” to ascertain the cause, and therefore allows a period of “thinking time” of up to approximately 9 months from first noticing a significant hearing problem, in order to seek advice from a GP as to the cause, before the 3 year limitation clock begins to tick.
What constitutes a “significant hearing problem” is sometimes a difficult concept to determine, however the Court has given some guidance on the issue as follows:
- “…. It is to be decided objectively by the Judge applying the standards of the ordinary reasonable man”;
- More than a “minor inconvenience”.
It is also more regularly accepted that a sufferer should ask the open question to their GP: “what is the cause of my symptoms?”, and in the absence of asking this, it is generally assumed that had the question been asked, then the reasonable GP would have enquired as to whether the sufferer had been exposed to loud noise in their employment.
However, frequently sufferers of Noise Induced Hearing Loss will have attended their GP for wax removal procedures, particularly as noisy working environments are often also dirty and dusty working environments causing the ears to become blocked.
If it appears that a claim has been brought outside the 3 year time limit, a Judge may exercise their discretion and allow the claim to proceed, only if they view that in all the circumstances it would be reasonable and just to do so.
Breach of Duty
In order to satisfy Breach of Duty, the Claimant must show that the noise levels they were exposed to breached the Regulations in force at the time of their employment, and that no or insufficient hearing protection, and training and advice regarding the dangers of noise exposure at work, were given.
The main Regulations are as follows:
- Noise at the Worker Publication 1963;
- Code of Practice 1972;
- Health & Safety at Work Act 1974;
- Noise at Work Regulations 1989;
- Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005.
In a nutshell, prior to the Noise at Work Regulations 1989 coming into force on 1st January 1990, the Claimant had to show exposure to noise levels of a daily average of 90 decibels or above; Since these Regulations were introduced a lower action level of a daily average exposure of 85 decibels at which hearing protection must be available and training and instruction given, and an upper action level of a daily average exposure of 90 decibels at which level hearing protection must be made compulsory to wear and its use actively enforced, have come into effect. The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 which came into effect on 6th April 2006, reduced the first action level to 80 decibels and the second action level to 85 decibels.
Furthermore, if you moved around in your employment i.e. your work station did not remain stagnant for long periods of time, you may be deemed a “peripatetic” worker, and the 1972 Code of Practice introduced specific Regulations to cover workers who were exposed to loud noise which fluctuated and / or on a more intermittent basis.
In order to prove that noise levels breached the relevant Regulations, we will instruct an Acoustic Engineering Expert to prepare a Report confirming the noise levels to which the Claimant was exposed, and whether they constituted a breach of the Regulations in force at the time of the Claimant’s employment.
To give some guidance of what Engineering Experts generally assess noise levels to be by way of a subjective description:
- If you were required to shout at arm’s length distance to be heard, noise levels are generally considered to be 90 decibels or above;
- If you were required to raise your voice at arm’s length distance to be heard, noise levels are generally considered to have been between 85 – 90 decibels.
We will instruct an Audiologist and ENT Medical Expert to examine you and prepare a Medical Report in your case, in order to prove that you are suffering from Noise Induced Hearing Loss and / or Tinnitus. Noise Induced Hearing Loss tends to affect certain frequencies of sound and tends to produce a recognisable pattern on the audiogram. Furthermore the Coles Lutman & Buffin Guidelines 2000 and the Lutman Coles & Buffin Guidelines 2016 give guidance to the Expert with regard to concluding the degree of Noise Induced Hearing Loss to which you are suffering from. The ENT Medical Expert will also comment upon whether any treatment is required which can include Hearing Aids and Tinnitus Retraining Therapy.
The second element of Causation is establishing you were exposed to sufficient levels of noise for a sufficiently long period (the period being dependant on the level of noise you were exposed to), in order for the noise exposure to have caused you damage. This element is addressed by both the ENT Medical Expert and Acoustic Engineering Expert from their respective areas of expertise.
How much compensation will I receive if I am successful?
If you are successful in pursuing your claim, you will receive compensation for the following heads of damage / loss:
- General Damages: This is compensation for your actual injuries suffered i.e. pain, suffering and loss of amenity;
- Losses & Expenses: The main head of loss tends to be the future cost of hearing aids. While this head of loss is generally contested by the Defendants, as hearing aids are generally available free of charge through the NHS, we can advance that there can be long waiting lists and that hearing aids through the NHS can be less advanced than those obtained privately, as well as advancing other arguments in support of your claim for hearing aids.
The level of compensation which your claim for General Damages attracts, is determined by the severity of your hearing loss and / or tinnitus, and taking into account your age. Thereafter reference is made to the Judicial Counsel guidelines and case law.
In advising you whether to accept an offer put forward by the Defendant, or the level of an offer to put forward to the Defendant, your Solicitor will also factor in the litigation risks in your case and advise you accordingly.
- Can I claim for Noise Induced Hearing Loss if the company I worked for no longer exists?
Yes, providing we are able to identify the company’s insurers by undertaking an Association of British Insurers search.
- What if I have been exposed to loud noise with more than one employer?
We are able to pursue what are known as “multi-Defendant” claims i.e. claims with more than one Defendant employer. However it is advisable to keep this to a reasonable number for reasons of proportionality i.e. generally a maximum of 5 Defendants.
- Will I be charged if I lose the case?
No, providing you have fully co-operated with us and provided us with your honest instructions throughout.
- Will I be charged if I win my case?
If you win your case, we will deduct an amount from your compensation for an ATE Insurance Premium which is a policy taken out by us at the outset of your case to guard you against any adverse costs and disbursements. We will also take up to a 25% success fee in accordance with the Jackson Reforms which affect all claims pursued after 1st April 2013.
- How long will the whole process take?
While litigation can take on average up to 2-3 years to conclude, at Versus Law we pride ourselves on making the process as expeditious and streamlined as possible, setting in place strict time frames by which we will endeavour to meet certain landmarks in your claim, so that you receive the maximum compensation in a short a time as possible.
Read more about industrial deafness and noise induces hearing loss.
My wife and I used Versus Law when buying our first house. Nicola Nolan and Natalie Moylan helped us out. They were extremely professional and approachable at all stages of the process. Which made the whole thing very easy. I would recommend there services and use them again.
Mrs JW
Marvellous service and value for money. Versus Law was recommended to me and I would do the same. Nicola Nolan, Natalie and all of the staff I dealt with were friendly and efficient.
Chief rent and Ground rent – what’s the difference?
Chief rent is payable on Freehold land.
Ground rent is payable on leasehold land.
Many land owners assume that because they pay an ‘annual rent’ to a third party that this means the property is Leasehold. This is not entirely true.
It is common in Manchester, Bristol and North Somerset for freehold titles to be subject to the payment of an annual chief rent. A chief rent is normally for a nominal amount namely £1 – £10 per annum and this sun will not increase.
Some rent charge owners will agree for you to ‘redeem’ the rent charge for a fixed premium. One would need to decide whether or not the premium offered would be worth the payment of a nominal rent.
Leasehold on the other hand is payable to a freeholder and the annual ground rent can range from £5pa on long leases entered into many years ago up to £500pa+ on leases entered into more recently.
A chief rent would not increase. A ground rent, depending on the terms of the lease, can increase on certain anniversaries throughout the term of the lease eg: every ten years
What is a Lifetime ISA? (LISA)
A Lifetime ISA (LISA) is a whole new way for you to save money to put towards the purchase of your first home or even in readiness for your retirement. Forward thinking maybe? Let’s be honest, we do not know how things will be in the future when it comes to pensions/state pensions in many years to come, depending on your age of course!
Did you know that with a LISA, for every £4 you put in, the government adds £1. This £1 will be called a ‘bonus’. So in essence you receive 25% bonus of the funds you put into your LISA account, strictly on the basis that you do not credit more than £4000 per annum.
However, the scheme will only pay up to a maximum bonus of £1,000 per annum.
A LISA account can only be opened by persons aged 18 years to persons no older than 40 years and as such, once you have opened an account you can contribute up to a maximum of £4000 per annum into the account. These contributions can made until such time as the account holders attains the age of 50 years. Once you reach 50 years old the bonus payments will also cease. Let’s say at 50 years old you haven’t bought a property, the account you hold will stay open and all your savings will still earn interest or investment returns.
Please note you will pay a 25% fee in the event that your close the LISA account before attaining the age of 60 or transfer the funds into another ISA account.
Once you are in a position to buy your first home, you can withdraw the money in your LISA tax free.
Alternatively, if your intention is not to use the funds for a property purchase, you can withdraw the funds from the age of 60 tax free.
You can hold cash or stocks and shares in your LISA, or have a combination of both, it’s up to you.
There’s a 25% charge to withdraw cash or assets from a LISA. Please note, this charge doesn’t apply if you’re:
• buying your first property to live in
• aged 60 or over
• terminally ill, with sadly, less than 12 months to live
You can use your savings to help you buy your first home strictly on the basis that the following apply:
• the property costs £450,000 or less
• you buy the property at least 12 months after you open the Lifetime ISA
• you use a conveyancer or solicitor to act for you in the purchase – the ISA provider will pay the funds directly to us upon receipt of a declaration and following the procedure.
• you’re buying with a mortgage
Buying with someone else
If the person you’re buying with has a LISA, then they can also use their savings and government bonus too.
They’ll pay a 25% withdrawal charge to use their Lifetime ISA savings if they own or have a legal interest in any other property anywhere else in the world and even if they’re a beneficiary of a trust that includes property.